Macamla budak-budak zaman skarang ni tau makan nasi lemak je...berlambak je aku tengok gi makan McD, KFC, Burger King dan sewaktu dgnnye masa balik skolah. So kalau tak dapat nasi lemak pun, kat rumah dan sekolah kehidupan kita semua, bukan pelajar je, sebenarnya agak kurang aktif.
Health problems are caused by our sedentary lifestyles, not nasi lemak!!! Just because you don't eat nasi lemak, doesn't mean that you won't become fat. What, nowadays kids are controlled so much that even the gov can decide what they can and cannot eat. Why want to restrict the selling?
I mean ppl, even kids when it comes to food, they should be able to choose. This is a
Walau apa pun, makanan tetap makanan!!! Nak sihat tu depends pada diri sendiri. Dan kalau dah ditakdirkan nak sakit tu, sakit jugak walaupun mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat. And when it comes to healthy lifestyle, it's not all about food.
I certainly don't believe in this approach, seriously? Nasi lemak is guilty??Ugh.. =_=
tu la gov..hehehehe